
Thanks Baby

Pampers and Moms everywhere celebrate children this Mother's Day

By Tracy Gallagher Publisher May 3, 2016

As a part of Pampers Mother’s Day program, we are encouraging all moms to take a moment and reflect on all the joys, challenges and emotions that come along with motherhood. Motherhood is an awesome, exhausting and indescribable ride. While most of my babies are no longer babies, they will forever be to me.  Over the last 22 years, I have been blessed with my 6 children.  Each one of them are different and unique and shaped me to be the mother that I am.  I can’t imagine my life without them, and I am grateful they chose me to be their mother. 

Bethany, the oldest was a born a leader and has that true nurturing spirit. Maternal at a very young age, she has always been there to help with her younger siblings even if she didn’t want to. Thank you for being the best big sister your siblings could ask for. They have learned so much from you and you will be a fantastic mother yourself one day.

Morgan, is the feisty one. She has kept me on my toes from day one and makes her presence known for sure. Very particular about how she wants things to look, a great organizer and cleaning tornado. Thank you for not complaining (much) about helping around the house and watching the little ones when I need to run out for a few minutes. Enjoy the last few years of teen life, it will go by so fast.

Jared, the first born boy. He has been maturing and growing into a great young man. His younger siblings love him to death, and he’s so good with them. He’s a great helper with the bed time routine and will spend hours outside with them playing. Thank you for bouncing on the trampoline, playing ball, pogo sticking etc… with your siblings.  Without your help, there are absolutely days I couldn’t get through it without you. 

Nathaniel, our quiet special boy. With a great birth story and we won’t forget ever, he is quick to snuggle and say “I love you Mom”. He melts my heart with one look. He loves to please everyone, and will do almost anything I ask of him.  He’s one smart cookie and knows facts and interesting tid bits that shock us all the time. Nate the Great, Thank you for your sneak attack hugs and daily smooches even when you friends are near. You are one amazing kid! 

Warren, the smarty pants 3 year old. He has never liked sleep….EVER and is a ball of energy 24/7.  His love for construction vehicles and animals is sometimes overwhelming and I have more knowledge on “diggers” and driven slowly past more construction sites then I ever imagined.  Thank you Warren for teaching me patience and to not sweat the small stuff. Some days it is better to just let it go! 

Adyson, my baby girl. This little “bean” (her nickname) can hold her own with her older siblings, and is so loving and ready to go, go ,go. At 16 months old, she is already a big helper (most of the time) and just all around a joy. Thank you for being a sweet, sassy little cutie pie and for finally sleeping more than 2 hours at a time and teaching me the value of sleep!  I can’t wait to see what an amazing lady you will become. 

When a baby is born, a mom is born. And from that moment, she is never the same. This video from Pampers, will surely bring a tear to your eye. I know it did to mine! Happy Mother’s Day from me and Pampers. 

I received complimentary products, discounts or compensation for the purpose of this review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.