
Heart Series: Take Control of Portion Size

By American Heart Association May 22, 2012

Special thank you to the American Heart Association for this article.    

Size matters. Portion size has a lot to do with why our kids are getting chubbier. Because there’s too much of everything on their plates, our kids are getting far more calories than they need daily. To start “Operation Portion Control,” you need to know how big a portion size really is. You may be surprised to learn these are serving sizes:

1 slice of bread

½ cup rice or pasta (cooked)

1 small piece of fruit (super-large apples are 2+ servings)

1 wedge of melon

¾ cup fruit juice

1 cup milk or yogurt

2 oz. cheese (about the size of a domino)

2-3 oz. meat, poultry or fish (this is about the size of a deck of cards)

Most servings are well over the standard portion size, so we’re all getting extra calories we don’t need. But with a little effort, we can take control. Cutting down the helpings will cut down the waistlines.


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