
Victory Parade & Congrats to the Carmel High School Football Team

New York State Class AA Champs

By Liza Rodriguez Krontilik December 7, 2021

It was a BIG weekend for Carmel last weekend between the Rams NYS Football WIN and Holiday on the Lake!  In case you missed it...

Carmel's annual Holiday on the Lake festival is a big deal.  It's a time when the town comes together before the hustle and bustle of the end of the year.  It's where you bump into neighbors and friends you haven't seen in awhile and catch up.  You enjoy all the community has to offer as businesses and organizations open their doors to make it extra special for the residents.  You see pride and creativity through decorated and well lit floats spreading cheer.

This year's festival on 12/4 was extra special.  You see the night before on Friday, the Carmel High School Football Team was departing for the NYS AA Championship game in Syracuse.  The team was undefeated this season and the town went into overdrive with a big sendoff that started at a packed school parking lot.  The local police, EMS and fire departments then escorted the team as they started their journey to the Carrier Dome.  This was also the first time that any high school football team based in Putnam County made it this far to the state level.

By the time the Holiday on the Lake rolled around on Saturday, the word was out!  They had won!  For those that stayed local, the Carmel Knights of Columbus was packed with people watching the game.  The feeling was electric that night when over 200 people gathered at 10:30pm back at the school parking lot to welcome the Carmel Rams home as the 2021 NYS AA Champion team back from Syracuse.  Queen's "We Are The Champion" blared and it was the impromptu victory party the team deserved.

The Carmel Rams had made this town proud not only for winning but for also displaying true sportsmanship both before and after the big game.  This team has added light and hope showing everyone what can be accomplished when we come together.  To honor them, the town is having a parade this Saturday, 12/11 at 11am.  Find out more here and join us.